The competitors can subscribe until November 19, 2021 by completing the registration form provided in the current website on (under) the registration field
Ionos Dragoumi 1, 41222, Larissa, Greece
The competition is an Open International Architectural Ideas Competition consisting of an initial call for ideas from professionals as sanctioned by the International Union of Architects (UIA). All regulations and guidelines, as well as Jury selection, conform to the architectural and planning competition requirements of the UIA.
The Competition language is English.
The measurement system is metric.
The Competition is open to architects from all countries of the world, who are entitled to practice in their country of residence.
Due to the importance of the competition site and its size, the Promoter encourages multidisciplinary teams to do justice in integrating the multiple sides of the task including, landscape, urban design and planning, archaeology, history, sociology, etc.
A professional of any discipline can only be part of one participating team. Each participant may present only one project. Variants are not admitted.
All applicants for the competition must meet the following criteria for both registration and submission:
a) Individuals participating in the Competition must be architects from all countries of the world, who are entitled to practice architecture in their country of residence.
b) Teams and firms should nominate a representative who is entitled to practice architecture in his/her country of residence. The Team Representative must declare that he/she is an architect by registering at the competition’s website. Moreover, a scanned copy of the Team Representative’s professional license (or official document that proves his/her practice in his/her country) should be included in the “IDENTIFICATION” envelope as part of the submission documents (see clause 4.3). The above document should be officially translated in English for all competitors not having a Greek professional license.
c) No individuals involved in the Jury, Technical Committee, Professional Adviser, or otherwise in the organizing of the competition are eligible to participate in the competition. Close relatives, partners and employees of the jury members and the Professional Adviser (Competition Manager) are not allowed to participate either.
d) By submitting an entry, the competitors agree to the conditions and rules of the competition, including the program and regulations.
A total of 63.000 Euro will be shared between the winners selected by the International Jury, as follows:
VAT will be paid in addition to the above fees.
An exhibition of all entries and prize-winning projects will take place in Larissa, Greece.
The Jury consists of five (5) regular jurors and one (1) alternate.
The Jury is an independent body and prior to the launch of the competition, has approved the evaluation criteria and the competition brief. Decisions taken by the Jury are final. The Jury will allocate the announced prizes, and draft the final report justifying its choices and including individual critics of the shortlisted projects and any recommendations it may have for the Promoter. The report will be signed by all voting jury members. This report will be sent to all participants and to the UIA and will be published to the competition website. It will be also available on the competition exhibits.
Only members of the Jury, the Professional Advisor and the Technical Committee will be present at Jury meetings, the latter with no right to vote. All Jury decisions will be made by majority vote, with a separate vote on each entry. Only Jury members have the right to vote. Alternates will participate to all discussions but will vote only if they replace a voting juror.
Regular Jury members unable to attend any meeting must announce her/his absence beforehand to the Professional Advisor. In case of absence of a Jury member, the alternate member will replace the regular member. If, for any reason, a Jury member is absent and his/her alternate is not present, the decision will be taken counting votes of Jury members present. The Chairperson will hold the casting vote.
Proceedings of all meetings of the Jury will be recorded in the means that are not to be made public.
Evaluation Criteria
The following evaluation criteria are not listed in an order of importance.
– Adequacy and clarity of the overall concept
– Integration of the Ancient Theater A’ in the contemporary city
– Potential to support the public awareness for the heritage value and historical site
– Coherence of proposed urban interventions
– Design quality of the public spaces and the proposed installations
– Feasibility, functionality, and user friendliness
– Potential to mark the identity of the city
The jury will evaluate the entries according to the above evaluation criteria but
may detail and expound them during the evaluation process.
The Professional Advisor (also named competition manager) Ms. Vasiliki Agorastidou (architect) and Technical Committee appointed by the Promoter are responsible for preparing the competition documents and administering the competition.
The Professional Advisor along with the Technical Committee will be responsible for the supervision of the competition and the strict application of the rules and regulations. The competition timetable will be strictly respected, as well as all the rules regarding the anonymity of the applicants’ entries. They will also supervise the question-and-answer period, ensuring the dispatching of the answers.
Architect Dipl. NTUA, MSc, Department of Public Works, Municipality of Larissa
Architect Dipl. NTUA, MSc, Urban Planning department, Municipality of Larissa
Architect Dipl. PoliTO, MSc, PhD., Head of Department of Archaeological Projects and Studies, Ephorate of Antiquities of Larissa, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Greece
Head Supervisor of the Restoration of the Ancient Theatre of Larissa Project (1988-2021)
Nikolaos SAMARAS,
Architect Dipl. NTUA, ΜSc, PhD. Lecturer at the Department of Planning
and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly, Greece.
Discipline: Rehabilitation of Historic Centers and Sites